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Running with the Irish: Your Complete Guide to an Active Lifestyle in Dublin

Updated: Aug 7

Hey Chics!

I have lived in Dublin for over three years now, and the Irish passion for outdoor activities has always amazed me. Rain,sunshine, wind, or the darkness of winter are no excuse to skip a run or a walk. Even with strong winds, freezing temperatures, or early nights, it is common to see people of all ages jogging through the streets, equipped with lights and reflective gear.

This infectious enthusiasm inspired me to put on my running shoes and give it a try, and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have made! Ireland, with its stunning scenery, transforms exercise into a moment of joy and connection with nature.

If you are thinking of starting to run, I can share some valuable tips I learned from a personal trainer friend:

Essential Gear:

  • Proper Running Shoes: This is the most important item. You need comfortable running shoes with good cushioning that fit your foot type. Visit a specialized store and ask a professional for help choosing the right pair for you. Remember that good shoes can prevent injuries and make your run more enjoyable.

  • Running Socks: Invest in socks specifically designed for running. They should be breathable and help prevent blisters and discomfort.

  • Appropriate Clothing: Dress in layers so you can adjust to temperature changes. Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that wick away sweat. If you're running at night or on days with low light, wear clothes with reflective details to increase your visibility.

  • Sunscreen and Lip Balm: Even on cloudy days, the sun can be strong in Ireland. Protect your skin and lips with sunscreen and lip balm with adequate SPF.

  • Hat or Visor: On sunny days, a hat or visor can protect your eyes from the sun and prevent sweat from dripping down your face.

  • Sunglasses: If the sun bothers your eyes, sunglasses can be helpful, especially on brighter days.

  • Water: Always carry a water bottle or hydration belt to stay hydrated during your run. Hydration is essential for your performance and well-being.

  • Money or Card: In case you need to use public transportation or buy water or a snack along the way.

  • Phone: It's always good to have a phone with you in case of emergency. You can also use running apps to track your progress and discover new routes.

Practical Tips:

  • Start Slowly: If you're just starting out, don't push yourself too hard. Alternate between walking and running,gradually increasing the time and intensity of your runs.

  • Create a Training Plan: Set realistic goals and follow a progressive training plan. There are many apps and websites that offer free training plans for beginners.

  • Choose a Good Location: Dublin has many parks and green areas perfect for running. Phoenix Park, St. Anne's Park, Herbert Park, and the Grand Canal are great options. Explore different places and discover your favorites.

  • Vary Your Route: Running in the same place all the time can get boring. Explore new routes, parks, and trails to make your workouts more interesting.

  • Listen to Music or Podcasts: A good playlist or an interesting podcast can motivate you and help you keep pace during your run.

  • Run with Friends: Invite friends or family to run with you. Having company can make exercise more fun and motivate you not to give up.

  • Join Running Groups: Join a local running group to meet other runners, exchange experiences, and stay motivated.

  • Stretch Before and After: Stretching is essential to prevent injuries and improve your flexibility. Take a few minutes before and after your run to stretch your muscles.

Safety First!:

  • Watch Out for Traffic: Always look both ways before crossing the street, even at pedestrian crossings. Obey traffic lights and signs.

  • Avoid Running Alone at Night: If you're running at night, choose well-lit areas and, preferably, go with a companion. Let someone know your route and expected return time.

  • Be Mindful of Your Belongings: Don't carry valuables and keep your belongings in sight. Avoid running with headphones at high volume, as this can prevent you from hearing what's happening around you.

  • Avoid Dublin City Centre at Night: Dublin 1 (city centre) can be dangerous at night due to the large number of intoxicated people. Opt for more residential and safe areas.

And most importantly: do not give up! Running is a journey, and every step takes you closer to a healthier and happier life.

With love,

Bruna Motta

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08 août

This is so inspiring! I love running too, and it's great to see how you've embraced the Irish passion for outdoor activities. Your tips from your personal trainer friend are really helpful, especially for someone like me who's just getting started. I'm definitely going to check out some of those Dublin parks you mentioned. Thanks for sharing your experience and encouraging others to get moving!


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