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The Creative Journey

Curious about the magic behind Life Atelier?

Join us on a creative adventure and uncover the secrets of our design process. From brainstorming sessions and mood boards to AI-generated masterpieces and meticulous finishing touches, experience the passion and dedication poured into every piece.

Transparency and Inspiration

To honor the collaborative nature of my work and give credit where it's due, each Life Atelier piece is accompanied by a brief description of its inspiration. This allows you to connect with the story behind the art, understanding the influences and ideas that shaped its creation.

From Inspiration to Creation

Motta, Bruna. Sketchbook. Chic Life Atelier, 2024.

The Spark of an Idea

At Chic Life Atelier, inspiration strikes from the most unexpected corners of life. A captivating film, a stroll through a vibrant museum, a thought-provoking book, or even a whimsical animation can ignite the spark of an idea. Every experience is a potential muse, fueling my imagination and filling my sketchbook with possibilities.

From Concept to Prompt 

Once an idea takes hold, it's time to translate it into a visual language that AI can understand. This involves crafting a detailed prompt, carefully selecting keywords and descriptions to guide the AI's creative process. It's like painting a picture with words, setting the stage for the AI to conjure its magic.


Fantastic Mr. Fox. Directed by Wes Anderson, 20th Century Fox, Indian Paintbrush, Regency Enterprises, 2009.

  • Example: Inspired by the stop-motion animation "Fantastic Mr. Fox" and my fascination with anthropomorphic animals, I envisioned a series of elegant ladies reimagined as various animals. One prompt might be: "A sophisticated sheep, dressed in a flowing gown, sipping wine from a crystal glass, with a vibrant floral arrangement in the background."

Motta, Bruna. Miss Ewe. Chic Life Atelier, 2024.

Adding the Finishing Touches

While AI is a powerful tool, the human touch remains essential. Each AI-generated image is then meticulously refined in Photoshop and Lightroom, where I adjust colors, textures, and backgrounds, ensuring every detail aligns with my artistic vision.


From Screen to Your Home

Once the artwork is finalized, it's time to bring it into the physical world. Printful, my trusted printing partner, transforms the digital creations into tangible products, from phone cases and tote bags to mugs and framed prints, ready to adorn your everyday life with a touch of artistry.

Artist and AI: A Creative Partnership

At Life Atelier, AI is not just a tool, but a collaborator in the creative process. It empowers me to bring my ideas to life in ways I never thought possible, pushing the boundaries of my imagination. However, the heart and soul of each design remain undeniably mine, guiding the AI's brushstrokes and infusing each piece with a personal touch.


The Dance of Creation with AI


With the prompt in hand, the journey continues into the realm of Midjourney, my AI artistic collaborator. Here, the prompt comes to life, generating a series of images that dance between my initial vision and the AI's interpretation. It's a collaborative process, where I fine-tune the prompts and select the images that best capture the essence of my idea.

In Conclusion

From a fleeting thought to a tangible piece of art, the creative journey at Life Atelier is a tapestry woven with passion,imagination, and the magic of AI. Each design is a testament to the boundless possibilities that emerge when human creativity and technology intertwine.

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